2016 Client Marketing Priorities
Top 5 client marketing priorities:
- #1 & #2 (tied): Sales Leads & Better Client Communications (73%)
- #3: Website Design & Functionality (64%)
- #4: Building Market Awareness (46%)
- #5: Improving Brand (36%)
- Customer Education, More Social Media, Website hosting & management issues, keeping projects on track (~25%)
- Learning what does/doesn’t work, getting more outside/inside marketing help (18%)
- Addressing concerns about “Not messing up a good thing” (9%)
- Keeping up with customer demand (0%) Not on any client’s radar.
Where Clients Need Help in 2016
- Advertising - All want creative and content help (100%), but not everyone is looking for planning and management assistance (20%)
- Website - Almost all (88%) are looking for website design help, followed closely (62%) by 3 other ongoing website-related priorities that include: adding site functionality, content, and SEO.
- Branding - A third (33%) want help in all areas of logo design & branding, including how they apply their brand in the form of Logo Use Manuals, and unifying their brand across multiple channels.
- Brochureware - Who says print is dead among business to business agency clients? Half (50%) will be looking for design & creative help. A third (33%) feel they need help with content and production.
- Direct Marketing, print and/or digital - Half (50% will be needing assistance in all areas of direct marketing, including sign, content, production.
- SEO - A third (33%) want help in all areas of Search Engine Optimizing, including creative, content and ongoing management.
- PR - (75%) seek writing, imaging and distribution help.
- Trade Shows - Less than 20% (18%) completed this question, but those who did acknowledged they needed help in booth design and booth production.